Unlock the potential of data to build a revenue-generating marketing engine.

Fuel your business success with the Marketing Engine — an all-in-one solution featuring data-driven SOPs, online courses, and tools to drive exponential customer and revenue growth.

Imagine giving your business a turbocharged boost, accelerating its growth with incredible speed and power.

Training your team, setting up analytics tracking within your systems, writing and re-writing new marketing processes – you don’t need us to tell you this stuff is absolutely critical if you are trying to scale.

Many data-driven marketers use ScaleHacks SOPs & online courses to quickly train up their teams and implement the most common data-driven marketing processes into their businesses.

What is the Marketing Engine?

ScaleHacks serves as the marketing engine for scaling your business, consisting of two vital elements: SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and online courses.

Extremely Detailed SOPs and Templates

SOPs are precise, step-by-step instructions that show you (and your team) how to execute extremely specific data-driven marketing and analytics tasks.


Easily launch, scale, and delegate campaigns.


Learn from world-class experts on every marketing channel.

Marketing Operating System (SOPs + Courses)

All SOPs & courses in one bundle.

About Me

I’m Ranjan Kashyap.
I Help Entrepreneurs Build Their Dreams.

Diam lorem nulla suspendisse id ullamcorper lobortis id sit nisl purus tellus curabitur leo volutpat vitae quisque eros, gravida magna diam id elit facilisi gravida at non consectetur nulla leo congue in netus ut et habitant massa id libero turpis.
Ranjan Kashyap

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.

~ Peter Sondergaard


What Clients Are Saying

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Daniel Johnson

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque duis.”

Julia Michele

"Semper duis tellus orci nulla nibh elementum purus, pretium facilisi vel eget amet, diam lacinia tempus tristique euismod viverra fusce risus euismod amet."

Robert Green

"Vitae erat pretium, interdum et, massa, nunc rutrum at lectus lectus aenean etiam nulla nibh ipsum commodo eu nibh scelerisque pharetra, sem netus risus."

Oliver Goodman

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